Value from wastewater


Sieve first, then purify

The ICABUS’ innovative screening system removes toilet paper pulp from sewage before the treatment process begins.

The technology behind ICABUS

Innovative sieve system for efficient filtration of sewage.

The advantages of the ICABUS

Effective and reliable solutions for wastewater treatment systems.

Circular economy

With Purgatoria, we believe in doing our part to reduce environmental impact.

Zeven is een essentiële technologie in de verwerking van afvalwater.

De ICABUS is dé oplossing om toiletpapiervezels
uit het rioolwater te zeven.


Purgatoria introduceert de ‘ICABUS’
(In Channel Brush Screen). Deze gepatenteerde machine oogst nog efficienter cellulose uit rioolwater.

Download the NL brochure here

Download the EN brochure here

Purgatoria introduces the ICABUS, the innovative screening system that effectively removes toilet paper fibers from wastewater.

You can read more about the ICABUS in our brochure